The adventure continues
Ren Amamiya is about to enter his second year of high school after transferring to Shujin Academy in Tokyo. A strange incident triggers the awakening of his Persona, and alongside his friends, he forms the "Phantom Thieves of Hearts" to change the hearts of corrupt adults by stealing the source of their distorted desires. Meanwhile, cases of psychotic breakdowns have been popping up one after another... Living their ordinary high school lives in Tokyo during the day, the group stalks the bustling metropolis of Tokyo as the Phantom Thieves by night. It's time for the curtains to rise on this grand, picaresque story!
Special Features
- Includes the remaining episodes of the series (episodes 16-26) plus two specials (episodes 27 and 28), SP1: Dark Sun... & SP2: Stars and Ours with both English and original Japanese with English subtitles viewing options.
- -Rigid slipcase
- -Trailers & Commercials
- -Textless version of the ending title sequence seen in episodes 24-25
- -28-page art booklet