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Fullmetal Alchemist: Under the Faraway Sky (Novel)

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Complete the Fullmetal Experience with These Best-Selling Novels Featuring Original Stories.

$15.99 Add to My Cart

Somewhere between magic, art, and science exists a world of alchemy. And into this world travel Edward and Alphonse Elric?two brothers in search of the Philosopher?s Stone, the ultimate alchemical treasure! You've read the manga and seen the anime. Complete the Fullmetal experience with these best-selling novels featuring original stories.

It?s only been a year since the Elric brothers set out on their journey to find the elusive Philosopher?s Stone. But a lot has happened in that short time. For one thing, Edward has become an official state alchemist. And as such, he often finds himself embroiled in one dangerous situation after another. Now, sidelined with a fever in a remote village,... More »

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